Cody Setliff

Cody Setliff


Just an all around athlete


CrossFit Level 1


Former Army Special Operations.

About Coach

Many of you know Marsha, who is my mom. I am her oldest son. When she became I coach I saw how much joy this brought her. I decided to try it out for myself and I’ve learned so much along the way, and continue to learn new things every time I’m on the floor leading a class.

Turning Point

My turning point was when I assessed for Special Operations in the Army. I made it through the selection but this was just the beginning. Upon arrival at my unit, I quickly realized I was the weakest link in the chain, and something needed to happen. I began to train harder than ever before to ensure that I was strong enough, fast enough, and agile enough to be an asset and not a liability to the team. This goes beyond Special Operations Forces though. As a coach, I want to impart this same mentality to anyone taking my class. Whether you’re a parent, a manager, a first responder, or work outside or inside, chances are someone will have to count on you at some point in your life. Make sure you’re ready to support them with your strength, and with your health so you can be around for a long time and enjoy the time we share together in this life.

Motivation & Passion

My fitness routine is the absolute best part of my day and it improves every aspect of my life. I only hope to share that same feeling with others.

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